
Global projections of heat exposure of older adults
Global projections of heat exposure of older adults

Global projections of heat exposure of older adults

Giacomo Falchetta et al.
on Nature Communications 15

  • More than 23% of the global population aged 69+ will inhabit climates where daily maximum temperature exceeds the critical threshold of 37.5 °C
  • This will result in exposing an additional 177–246 million older adults to dangerous acute heat by 2050
20240515 X
SHARE-ENV: A Data Set to Advance Our Knowledge of the Environment–Wellbeing Relationship
SHARE-ENV: A Data Set to Advance Our Knowledge of the Environment–Wellbeing Relationship

SHARE-ENV: A Data Set to Advance Our Knowledge of the Environment–Wellbeing Relationship

Enrica De Cian et al.
on Environment & Health

  • In this new database, called SHARE-ENV, individuals’ wellbeing is traced over time, along with the changes in the climate and environmental conditions they encountered during their lifetime.
  • This novel database makes it possible to better understand the environment-wellbeing nexus in Europe.
20240105 X
Understanding systemic cooling poverty
Understanding systemic cooling poverty

Understanding systemic cooling poverty

Enrica De Cian et al.
on Nature Sustainability 6

  • The poorest, who contributed the least to global warming, are the ones bearing the most severe consequences of extreme heat.
  • Understanding the needs of the disadvantaged is imperative to develop fair and adequate adaptation strategies
20231201 X
Intensive and extensive margins of the peak load: Measuring adaptation with mixed frequency panel data
Intensive and extensive margins of the peak load: Measuring adaptation with mixed frequency panel data

Intensive and extensive margins of the peak load: Measuring adaptation with mixed frequency panel data

Francesco Colelli et al.
on Energy Economics, 106923

  • We investigate the response of daily electricity peak load to daily maximum temperatures across states in Europe and India.
  • Accommodating peak load in days with extreme temperatures will already be a challenge around 2050.
20230804 X
The Cooling Solution
The Cooling Solution

The Cooling Solution

Enrica De Cian et al.

  • The Cooling Solution summarises for a broad public the main outcomes of the ENERGYA project combining it with the photography of Gaia Squarci.
  • The Cooling Solution is a photographic exhibition, a book, and a website.
20230619 X
Adaptation to climate change: Air-conditioning and the role of remittances
Adaptation to climate change: Air-conditioning and the role of remittances

Adaptation to climate change: Air-conditioning and the role of remittances

Teresa Randazzo et al.
on Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Volume 120, 102818

  • Remittances play an important role in the climate adaptation process of households.
  • In presence of income constraints, remittance income facilitates the adoption of air-conditioning.
20230602 X
Air-conditioning adoption and electricity demand highlight climate change mitigation–adaptation tradeoffs
Air-conditioning adoption and electricity demand highlight climate change mitigation–adaptation tradeoffs

Air-conditioning adoption and electricity demand highlight climate change mitigation–adaptation tradeoffs

Francesco Colelli et al.
on Nature Scientific Reports, volume 13, Article number: 4413

  • By 2050, AC expansion will reduce daily heat exposures by 150 million and 3.8 billion person degree-days
  • However AC will also increase annual electricity demand by 34 TWh in Europe and 168 TWh in India
20230331 X
Increased energy use for adaptation significantly impacts mitigation pathways
Increased energy use for adaptation significantly impacts mitigation pathways

Increased energy use for adaptation significantly impacts mitigation pathways

Francesco Colelli et al.
on Nature Communications 13

  • Energy needs for adaptation increase considerably over time and with warming
  • Mitigation pathways accounting for the adaptation-energy feedback would require a higher global carbon price, between 5% and 30% higher
20220824 X
The role of climate datasets in understanding climate extremes
The role of climate datasets in understanding climate extremes

The role of climate datasets in understanding climate extremes

Malcolm Mistry
on Chapter in V.Ongoma & H.Tabari (Eds.), "Climate Impacts on Extreme Weather". Elsevier

20220701 X
Population-weighted degree-days: The global shift between heating and cooling
Population-weighted degree-days: The global shift between heating and cooling

Population-weighted degree-days: The global shift between heating and cooling

Malcolm Mistry et al.
on Energy and Buildings Volume 271, 15 September 2022, 112315

  • Globally, population weighting substantially changes degree-days rate of change.
  • For typical base temperatures, HDDs are falling at twice the rate that CDDs are increasing.
20220716 X
Distributional consequences of climate change impacts on residential energy demand across Italian households
Distributional consequences of climate change impacts on residential energy demand across Italian households

Distributional consequences of climate change impacts on residential energy demand across Italian households

Lorenza Campagnolo et al.
on Energy Economics Volume 110, 106020

  • Climate change impacts have a regressive effect on electricity expenditure.
  • A carbon tax exacerbates the regressivity of climate change impacts.
  • Climate change increases electricity-related poverty by 373–462 thousand households.
20220601 X
Income-dependent expansion of electricity demand for climate change adaptation in Brazil
Income-dependent expansion of electricity demand for climate change adaptation in Brazil

Income-dependent expansion of electricity demand for climate change adaptation in Brazil

Francesco Colelli et al.
on Energy and Climate Change, Volume 3, 100071

  • We identify how climate change will influence electricity demand in Brazil over the next 30 years
  • Economic growth triples the additional energy demand required to adapt, with additional power demand varying remarkably by region and season
20221201 X
Possible influence of the warm pool ITCZ on compound climate extremes during the boreal summer
Possible influence of the warm pool ITCZ on compound climate extremes during the boreal summer

Possible influence of the warm pool ITCZ on compound climate extremes during the boreal summer

Malcolm Mistry et al.
on Environmental Research Letters, Volume 16, Number 11

  • We find that compound climate extremes in the Northern Hemisphere during the boreal summer are interconnected from the tropics to the Arctic
20211118 X
Air-Conditioning and the adaptation cooling deficit in emerging economies
Air-Conditioning and the adaptation cooling deficit in emerging economies

Air-Conditioning and the adaptation cooling deficit in emerging economies

Filippo Pavanello et al.
on Nature Communications 12

  • As temperatures continue to rise, AC adoption rates will skyrocket over the next 20 years.
  • By 2040 between 64 and 100 million households in India, Brasil, Mexico & Indonesia will not be able to afford the use of AC to cool themselves adequately


20211109 X
Residential electricity demand projections for Italy: A spatial downscaling approach
Residential electricity demand projections for Italy: A spatial downscaling approach

Residential electricity demand projections for Italy: A spatial downscaling approach

Enrica De Cian et al.
on Energy Policy Volume 160, 112639

  • In this paper, we present residential electricity demand for Italy downscaled at 1 km resolution in 2050.
  • Changing patterns are driven by population density, GDP per capita and Cooling Degree Days.


20220101 X
Power systems’ performance under high renewables’ penetration rates: a natural experiment due to the COVID-19 demand shock
Power systems’ performance under high renewables’ penetration rates: a natural experiment due to the COVID-19 demand shock

Power systems’ performance under high renewables’ penetration rates: a natural experiment due to the COVID-19 demand shock

Francesco Colelli et al.
on Environmental Research Letters 16 064018

  • We empirically investigate how power systems in 5 EU countries have dealt with the pandemic shock
  • Results provide valuable evidence on current systems’ dynamics during high renewables’ shares and increased demand volatility
20210521 X
The role of residential air circulation and cooling demand for electrification planning: Implications of climate change in sub-Saharan Africa
The role of residential air circulation and cooling demand for electrification planning: Implications of climate change in sub-Saharan Africa

The role of residential air circulation and cooling demand for electrification planning: Implications of climate change in sub-Saharan Africa

Giacomo Falchetta et al.
on Energy Economics Volume 99

  • Large unmet cooling needs among energy poor households of Africa.
  • Growing heat stress in the region due to climate change.
  • Modeling scenario of cooling appliances uptake and use.
20210701 X
Sharing the burden: quantifying climate change spillovers in the European Union under the Paris Agreement
Sharing the burden: quantifying climate change spillovers in the European Union under the Paris Agreement

Sharing the burden: quantifying climate change spillovers in the European Union under the Paris Agreement

Malcolm Mistry et al.
on Spatial Economic Analysis

  • This study uses spatial econometrics to account for the interdependencies between the subnational EU regions to estimate the future impacts of changes in temperature on sectoral labour productivity under the Paris Agreement
20210416 X
Impacts of a warmer world on space cooling demand in Brazilian households
Impacts of a warmer world on space cooling demand in Brazilian households

Impacts of a warmer world on space cooling demand in Brazilian households

Paula Borges et al.
on Energy and Buildings Volume 234, 110696

  • Energy consumption for AC appliances are expected to increase as temperatures rises
  • In all observed scenarios, energy use for AC increases up to 190%
  • Weather parameters alone cannot directly translate energy consumption
20210301 X
Cooling demand in Integrated Assessment Models: a Methodological Review
Cooling demand in Integrated Assessment Models: a Methodological Review

Cooling demand in Integrated Assessment Models: a Methodological Review

Francesco Colelli et al.
on Environmental Research Letters

  • How do the IAMs include cooling and heating requirements in their projections?
  • We systematically review and compare 88 scenarios of energy demand in commercial and residential buildings …


20200918 X
A High Spatiotemporal Resolution Global Gridded Dataset of Historical Human Discomfort Indices
A High Spatiotemporal Resolution Global Gridded Dataset of Historical Human Discomfort Indices

A High Spatiotemporal Resolution Global Gridded Dataset of Historical Human Discomfort Indices

Malcolm Mistry
on Atmosphere 2020, 11(8), 835

  • The dataset includes 8 daily indices at 0.25° × 0.25° gridded resolution spanning 49 years over the period 1970–2018
20200807 X
Impacts of climate change on energy systems in global and regional scenarios.
Impacts of climate change on energy systems in global and regional scenarios.

Impacts of climate change on energy systems in global and regional scenarios.

Enrica De Cian et al.
on Nature Energy (2020)

  • We analyse results of 220 studies projecting climate impacts on energy systems globally and at the regional scale…
20200803 X
Air conditioning and electricity expenditure: The role of climate in temperate countries
Air conditioning and electricity expenditure: The role of climate in temperate countries

Air conditioning and electricity expenditure: The role of climate in temperate countries

Teresa Randazzo et al.
on Economic Modelling Volume 90

  • Our new study shows that owning and using an Air Conditioner greatly increases the electricity bills of households, with important implications for the energy poverty of the less well-off.
20200801 X
Can the Paris Agreement Support Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?
Can the Paris Agreement Support Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?

Can the Paris Agreement Support Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?

Lorenza Campagnolo et al.
on Ancillary Benefits of Climate Policy

  • This book chapter provides an ex-ante, quantitative assessment of the synergies and trade-offs between the implementation of the Paris Agreement and sustainable development.
20191201 X
Historical global gridded degree‐days: A high‐spatial resolution database of CDD and HDD
Historical global gridded degree‐days: A high‐spatial resolution database of CDD and HDD

Historical global gridded degree‐days: A high‐spatial resolution database of CDD and HDD

Malcolm Mistry
on Geoscience Data Journal

  • A new high definition dataset dedicated to Degree Days from 1970 till 2018: Cooling Degree Days, Cooling Degree Days wet bulb, Heating degree Days
20191021 X
Building a Framework to Understand the Energy Needs of Adaptation
Building a Framework to Understand the Energy Needs of Adaptation

Building a Framework to Understand the Energy Needs of Adaptation

Marinella Davide et al.
on Sustainability 2019, 11(15), 4085

  • We introduce a framework to identify the energy use associated with adaptation options identified in the Paris Agreement, relating them to the 2030 UN Agenda for sustainable development
20190729 X
Households’ adaptation in a warming climate. Air conditioning and thermal insulation choices
Households’ adaptation in a warming climate. Air conditioning and thermal insulation choices

Households’ adaptation in a warming climate. Air conditioning and thermal insulation choices

Enrica De Cian et al.
on Environmental Science & Policy 100

  • This is the 1st analysis of Air Conditioning adoption in households in Europe till 2040 based OECD data: climate change, urbanization, wealth, presence of elderly & children are major drivers 
20190715 X
Amplification of future energy demand growth due to climate change
Amplification of future energy demand growth due to climate change

Amplification of future energy demand growth due to climate change

Enrica De Cian et al.
on Nature Communications 10

  • Global energy demand is expected to increase by 11-58% in 2050 because of climate change, with important regional differences.
20190624 X
A High-Resolution Global Gridded Historical Dataset of Climate Extreme Indices
A High-Resolution Global Gridded Historical Dataset of Climate Extreme Indices

A High-Resolution Global Gridded Historical Dataset of Climate Extreme Indices

Malcolm Mistry
on Data 2019

  • 71 Climate Extremes Indices in one new high resolution dataset, based on WMO and NASA GLDAS, suited for sectoral impacts assessment and hot spot analyses
20190313 X